Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Education in Qatar and UK


The education in Qatar responsible by the Supreme Education Council in Qatar . There is two main kind of schools , free school from the government and private schools by fees but working by thhe Education Council rules . The free school has two kind , independent and public . However these schools supported by the government and it’s sprit not max  , the boys have schools and the girls as well . On the other hand , the private schools have them own system for example , the system is different and the subjects as well causes the private schools represent them own countries system .

United Kingdom

Education in Qatar and UK

In the Uk is quite different then Qatar . The system of education responsible by more than one government for example England overseen by the Department for Education , the
Scottish Government , the Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive
are responsible for scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , respectively. The Students must stay at school until they get 16 old years after that they can decide if they want to continue or work . Many family hope them children stay at school to get a good job .
scottish Government

References :

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Britain and the four nations

There is four nations in Great Britain UK ( United kingdom ) . wales , England , Scotland , north Ireland .These nations has different flag , plants , saint’s day , patron saint , characteristics , and common names .


England is part of  United kingdom . The capital of England is London  . The population in England approximately  53,013,000  . Tthe most famous plant in England is oak . England using the calendar of saint’s .November 20th is Saint Edmund's Day, the true patron Saint of England . England famous by oxford university and Cambridge university  . Harry is the most popular name in England .


wales is part of United kingdom . The capital for wales is Cardiff . The population in wales around 3,063,500 in 2011. The people in Cardiff celebrate on 1 of march for  Saint David's Day is the patron saint of Wales . One of the best Characteristics in wales is the welsh language . The common name in wales is Amelia .


Scotland is a country that is the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south . The capital is Edinburgh and the population more than 5,254,800. The Primula scotica is famous in Scotland and the people used to call it  Scottish primrose . In the 30th of November the people celebrate for Saint Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland . The people from Scotland introduce them self’s to the world by the traditional a dress which they call it Highland dress . in Scotland Jack and Sophie is the common names for children in 2012  .

North Ireland 

North Ireland is a land of mountains . The population is 1,789,000 and the capital is Belfast . Irish lady’s-tresses is a beautiful flower with a white creamy . Northern Ireland Celebrate for Saint Patrick's Day  patron saint of north Ireland on 17 March . The people from north Ireland  famous by the sign language since in the past . Aedan one of the common names in the north of Ireland . 

References  :

13-        's_Day

Wednesday, 9 January 2013