Education in Qatar and UK
The education in Qatar responsible by the Supreme Education Council in Qatar . There is two main kind of schools , free school from the government and private schools by fees but working by thhe Education Council rules . The free school has two kind , independent and public . However these schools supported by the government and it’s sprit not max , the boys have schools and the girls as well . On the other hand , the private schools have them own system for example , the system is different and the subjects as well causes the private schools represent them own countries system .
United Kingdom
Education in Qatar and UK
In the Uk is quite different then Qatar . The system of education responsible by more than one government for example England overseen by the Department for Education , the
Scottish Government , the Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive
are responsible for scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , respectively. The Students must stay at school until they get 16 old years after that they can decide if they want to continue or work . Many family hope them children stay at school to get a good job .Scottish Government , the Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive
scottish Government
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